Career B*tches: Leaving Well
“Leaving Well is the art and practice of moving on from a project, role, or job, with intention and purpose … and when possible, joy.”
It’s no secret that most individuals do not practice leaving well when they exit projects, organizations, roles. However, not a single one of us still has the same job we had at 16. So if that is true for EVERY single one of us, why don’t we shift the narrative and intentionally plan for #LeavingWell?
HR Departments, hiring professionals, boards of directors, executive directors, CEOs: you are handing each other broken, traumatized, and exhausted folks because of missed opportunities to prioritize leaving well. Because we are not helping folks leave well, they take the unprocessed transition into the next space.
In this podcast episode with Marcell and Ann from Career B*tches, we also talk about the importance of prioritizing #LeavingWell if you’re the one delivering the news. What are your leadership values? What are the company values? Translate those into supportive offers for your exiting employee. Dinner or grocery gift cards are a great idea. One company I know even created a directory of folks’ work and resume / contact info for the public during a large reduction in force.
There are many great books about careers, transitions and endings, but not a single Index contains the words: leave, leaving, exits, etc. So what can you do? Start today by sharing this article and Career Bitches podcast with your teams. Add the topic of #LeavingWell to your quarterly meetings. Talk about how your organization is taking care of each other, by planning for the inevitable exit of your team members in the future. Talk about the impact of transitions in the work place, discuss navigating job loss, and the grief of saying goodbye.
One transition, one leaving at a time, we can impact a shift.
I offer transition support through my #LeavingWell consulting practice, and invite you to reach out to me if these services may be of help and support.
For the other articles on #LeavingWell: Transition Category
Listen in to this podcast episode as I go even deeper on this topic!
🎧 Legacy By Design: #LeavingWell with Sundae Bean
Additional recommended resources:
#LeavingWell books on careers, transitions, and endings, via Bookshop